Скрипторий: Spell - blazing armory (rage of elements)
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НЕТ ПЕРЕВОДАSpell - blazing armory (rage of elements)
Blazing Armory
Spell 2
Source Rage of Elements
Traditions arcane, divine, primal
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 willing creature
Duration 5 minutes
As long as you have magic, you're never unarmed. You materialize a flaming simulacrum of any common simple or martial weapon into the target's grasp. The target must have a free hand to hold the weapon, or else the weapon falls to the ground in the target's space. The blazing weapon functions as a +1 striking weapon, and its damage type changes to fire. The damage type can't be changed using the versatile trait, modular trait, or similar methods.
A thrown weapon rematerializes in the target's hand after the Strike is complete. If you choose a ranged weapon that uses ammunition, the wielder must still reload the weapon using the normal number of actions, though this generates ammunition automatically; this functions as normal ammunition, and the blazing weapon can't use other types of ammunition.
Any creature other than you or the target that attempts to touch, make a Strike with, or Disarm the weapon takes 1d6 fire damage each time.
Heightened (4th) You can target up to 5 willing creatures and can choose a different weapon for each target. The weapons function as +1 striking flaming weapons.
Heightened (6th) As 4th, but the weapons function as +2 greater striking flaming weapons.
Heightened (8th) As 4th, but the weapons function as +3 greater striking greater flaming weapons.
Heightened (10th) As 4th, but the weapons function as +3 superior striking greater flaming weapons.
Traditions arcane, divine, primal
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 willing creature
Duration 5 minutes
As long as you have magic, you're never unarmed. You materialize a flaming simulacrum of any common simple or martial weapon into the target's grasp. The target must have a free hand to hold the weapon, or else the weapon falls to the ground in the target's space. The blazing weapon functions as a +1 striking weapon, and its damage type changes to fire. The damage type can't be changed using the versatile trait, modular trait, or similar methods.
A thrown weapon rematerializes in the target's hand after the Strike is complete. If you choose a ranged weapon that uses ammunition, the wielder must still reload the weapon using the normal number of actions, though this generates ammunition automatically; this functions as normal ammunition, and the blazing weapon can't use other types of ammunition.
Any creature other than you or the target that attempts to touch, make a Strike with, or Disarm the weapon takes 1d6 fire damage each time.
Heightened (4th) You can target up to 5 willing creatures and can choose a different weapon for each target. The weapons function as +1 striking flaming weapons.
Heightened (6th) As 4th, but the weapons function as +2 greater striking flaming weapons.
Heightened (8th) As 4th, but the weapons function as +3 greater striking greater flaming weapons.
Heightened (10th) As 4th, but the weapons function as +3 superior striking greater flaming weapons.